

Title- "The looking glass of perishing history's Rhyme."
"The End breathing Times of Earth."

In days of old, when tales were told
And legends once lived & breathed,
There now i am the mirror of history,
Reflecting all that was sought.

In the realm of the volatile metal,
Two avian beasts did collide,
Their gleaming feathers, once so bright,
Now dulled by the force of their fall.

As the two metal birds in the sky collide,
Their ingot hearts beating with a deadly pride,
Herbivores, erst gentle, now turn to prey,
Their hunger for flesh, a new way.

The herbivores, once meek and mild,
Didst turn to carnivorous intent,
Their hunger for flesh, now unfulfilled,
Didst drive them to hunt and kill.

Wolves, once quiet, now howl with glee,
From bushes dark, where secrets be,
Their cries echo, a haunting sound,
As the innocent blood starts to flow around.

The wolves, once hidden in the bushes,
Didst howl with glee and savage cheer,
Their eyes aglow with bloodlust's flicker,
As they stalked their prey with stealthy fear.

Planet Venus, once a peaceful sight,
Now finds a new source of endless night,
A darkness that spreads across the land,
As the world descends into chaos, hand in hand.

In a world gone mad, with temperatures on the rise,
Two metal birds crashed, their fate a tragic surprise.
The skies were once a sight to behold, now filled with smoke,
As herbivores became carnivorous, their hunger a never-ending joke.

In this apocalyptic scene, the skies are ablaze,
With nations clashing,metal birds crashing, their fiery gaze.
Herbivores, once benign, now turn to hunting prey,
Carnivorous beasts, with no mercy to sway.

The wolves howled from the bushes, their eyes full of fire,
Their cries echoed through the night, a haunting desire.
The blood of the innocent would flow in the rivers,
As the planet Venus found a new source of energy, a never-ending deliverer.

The seas boiled with rage, the oceans churned with fury,
The earth trembled beneath our feet, a warning to be sure.
The ice caps melted, the waters rose,
A future of doom, a world that we had chose.

Planet Venus, once a distant friend,
Now tries to find new energy, as the world does end.
The heat of the sun beats down on the earth,
As the planet burns, and the final breath is dearth.

The blood of the innocent didst flow,
In rivers of red, so fierce and bold,
The scent of death didst fill the air,
As the planet Venus grew cold.

The gore of the innocent now flows like a stream,
In the rivers of Earth, where once life did gleam,
Innocents wail from thickets, their haunting cry,
Echoes throughout the land, as the world says goodbye.

The world's final breath, a requiem didst play,
As planets aligned in a desperate array,
The heat of the sun didst fade to gray,
And the scent of death didst linger each day.

The once blue skies now turned to a sickly hue,
As the world succumbed to the heat anew,
The cries of the innocent didst fill the air,
As the planet Venus grew cold, without a care.

The end times didst dawn, a tale of despair,
As the world's final breath didst fill the air,
The heat of the sun didst wane, a dying light,
And the scent of death didst fill the air, a final night.

The earth didst shatter, a requiem didst play,
As the world's final breath didst fade away,
The heat of the sun didst cease, a cold didst stay,
And the stinking scent of death didst linger each day.

In these end times of Earth, a tale of despair,
The poles melt, the seas swell, the earth does declare,
The dry land grows hot, the parched earth does bear,
Floods everywhere, a sorrowful sight to see.

The oceans rise, the shores retreat,
The land does shrink, the waters do meet,
The earth does tremble, the skies do weep,
The end times come, the earth does sleep.

The melting ice, the floods do bring,
A world of change, a world of volcanic sting,
The sapling does cry as they dry, the sea salt do rise,
The end times near, the earth does disguise.

The heat does scorch, the waters do boil,
The earth does suffer, the seas do soil,
The end times come, the earth does fade,
A tale of despair, a world so made.

The floods rage, deadly cold lava in sea do pour,
The earth does shake, the Adam's ale do roar,
The end times near, the earth does mourn,
A tale of sorrow, a world forlorn.

The winds howl & wailed, as the world descends,
Into the depths of destruction, where all ends.
The end times of Earth, a tale of despair,
As the world succumbs to the heat of the air.

But still we refused to listen, our ears deaf to the cries,
Our hearts hardened to the suffering, our minds closed to the skies.
We kept on burning, kept on polluting,
Until the day of reckoning, when all would be ruined.

So as we weep & mourn, let us tremble with fear,
For the future we have made, is a future so dear.
The blood of the innocent is flowing in the rivers,
As the planet Venus finds a new source of energy, as a never-ending deliverer.

But lo, a new source of energy,
Didst dawn upon the world's horizon,
A beacon of hope, in this darkest hour,
A ray of light, to guide us on.

The rhymes and the meter, a perfect blend,
A poem of destruction, that will never end.
The metal birds, the herbivores, the wolves,
All united in a dance of deadly love.

So let us look into the mirror of time
And see the rhyme of history's crime
For in its depths, we may find a way
To heal the wounds of yesterday.

And let's embrace this newfound power,
And use it wisely, with all our might,
For only then, can we truly flower,
In this world of endless strife and fight.

© Aneemkp