

Writings Again

#Unique Writing

The writing is like a out lit,
for when I have had enough of everything for a few moments,
the writing slowly reels me back in,
hoping one day the writing will mainly make me feel good things again,
staring at thinking about how ugly I am as I'm writing on the other hand,
with tears in my eyes,
I write and I keep on writing because day I'm hoping I can only be able to write good,
even with obstacles called people disabling me right to the way I should about good,
I do clearly have it better than some but as you have reed before I don't have certain things or people because they have been put to rest,
I'm trying to make the best out of every situation I am put in,
this time the universe is pushing me around but it's not the universe that wants to bring me down,
it's some of the people spinning around the universe that want to bring me down.