

Someone in the corner
There's someone in the corner
Who doesn't know whether your day went dull or bright
The one who doesn't wonder whether you have
A happy ending with your love or not
There's this one who doesn't give a damn
About how poor your health is
He doesn't know how to make you jolly
He is somewhere in the corner
May be a friend, may be a relative
He can be named as a stranger as well
If you have enough boon
Life will take you to the
Other corner where he resides
He may not know you
You may not know him
But a spark Is enough to tie a string
A string of neither friend nor blood
A string of hope, fortune and magic
He will be the one who won't
Be there for you at all
But deep inside, he'd be praying
To let you have a smile filled with nothing but bliss
Not a single tear in the moist eyes
That may contain the universe
He, somewhere in that corner
Will care, will pray
For you to have a rejoiceful rewarded life.

#poem #poet #poetry #writer #writing #explorer #he #him #life #bliss

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