

standing at the edge
Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief,
A broken soul shivers deep,
Was torn and shattered on the reef,

Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief, I couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at my own broken state. My soul, once whole and vibrant, now shivered deep within me, torn and shattered on the reef of life's hardships. Oh, how witty fate can be, to bring me to this point of utter despair.
As I took in my surroundings, I couldn't help but notice the irony of it all. The sun was shining brightly, birds were chirping, and the waves crashed against the shore in a calming rhythm. How could such a beautiful day exist when I was feeling so broken and lost?
I let out a sarcastic laugh, startling a couple walking by. They looked at me with concern in their eyes, but I simply shrugged it off. What did they know of my inner turmoil? They were probably just out for a leisurely stroll, admiring the beauty of the world. Little did they know, I was standing at the edge of my own reality, and it was slowly slipping away from me.
My mind wandered back to the events that had led me to this point. It had all started with a simple phone call, informing me of the sudden death of my best friend. He had been like a brother to me, and his loss hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe he was gone, and it felt like I was living in a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.
But it didn't stop there. The universe seemed to have a sick sense of humor and decided to pile on more hardships. My relationship ended in a messy breakup, I lost my job, and a family member fell ill. It was like a never-ending cycle of bad luck, and I found myself standing at the edge, ready to give up.
But as I looked out at the vast ocean, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. Maybe this was the calm before the storm, a moment of respite before the next wave of challenges hit me. And maybe, just maybe, I could find the strength to keep fighting, to pick up the pieces of my broken soul and put them back together.
With a determined glint in my eye, I took a step back from the edge. I wasn't ready to give up just yet. I had faced hardships before, and I had always come out stronger on the other side. This was just another test, and I was determined to pass with flying colors.
As I turned to leave, I couldn't help but let out another sarcastic laugh. Fate may have tried to break me, but I refused to let it win. I was standing at the edge of reality and disbelief, but I was also standing tall and ready to face whatever came my way.
© ladyjacquelineprincess