Stories in a crowd...
Have you ever been at a show,or music festival standing in the middle of a crowd...
Everyone singing at the top of their lungs to
a specific song and the music is very loud,
Across their faces lies pages of stories untold,
In their eyes you can see the memories and
hurt that song brings, unfold...
Some are remembering a lost loved one,
While others are missing a friend, some are heartbroken and others are doing their best
Have you ever been at a show,or music festival standing in the middle of a crowd...
Everyone singing at the top of their lungs to
a specific song and the music is very loud,
Across their faces lies pages of stories untold,
In their eyes you can see the memories and
hurt that song brings, unfold...
Some are remembering a lost loved one,
While others are missing a friend, some are heartbroken and others are doing their best