

Pray for Nigeria!
Pray for Nigeria!
she is on the verge
of destruction and no one seems to notice.

Pray for Nigeria!
she is going through pain
and there is no one to comfort her.

Pray for Nigeria!
she is in complete darkness
and those who ought to show her the light are against themselves.

Pray for Nigeria!
there is a lot of blood bath in the country, corruption and selfishness is the order of the day.

Pray for Nigeria!
for the life of her precious youths are at stake and there is no one to fight for them.

Pray for Nigeria!
for those who ought to protect us are the ones against us.

Pray for Nigeria
she is in total confusion,
she needs someone to stand by her,
she is mourning her dead offsprings.

Am shedding a lot of tears.
But this tears are not for my self but for my country, Nigeria.

I pray God end this blood shedding period and give us lasting peace.
I pray he speak peace to our hearts,
so we can live without fear and live our dreams.

Pray for Nigeria!
she might not be your friend,
but please she is in a mourning period
don't forget her in your prayers,
Nigeria needs divine intervention.

© Oluwadamilola Ogedengbe