

scar of betrayal

In the end it was just me and my thoughts,
A painful trap, long after you were gone
memories running through my mind
my heart you took it with you.
my heart is filled with darkness like deepness of sea!
why is it so hard to forget your past?
why is it so hard for me to move on in life?
You left me midway of our life.
when I saw you betraying me , my eyes couldn't believe!
In front of my eyes, my world broke apart!
my heart and brain unable to forget of your betrayal.
I doubt myself, whether I hurt in anyway?
was I not capable of your love?
Your betrayal scar on my life and heart made me hard to believe anyone in life
now my life is full of darkness, the only hope of my life left me alone.
I remember our sweet memories together, our promise to be together even in dark times.
but you left me alone with broken heart
It was my mistake, I was unable to differentiate between love and lust!
you did not love me, you left me for wealth in this world.
we promise to be together in life and after life, but I was wrong to believe you.
I can't hate you, I loved you with my heart
I just wish for your happiness
I will try to move on, step by step trying to forget you
my broken heart will jonted together one day when I will my true love ❤️

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