

Next Time
I told them I did not want to do this
now here I am surrounded by those whom are used to it,
Is that his hand touching my thigh?
and she is rubbing my arm, but why?
Someone sound the alarm!
I want to scream but I am too shy,
so much is going on.

Do you mind if I place this here is all he said
I responded go right ahead, because I was scared.

As I moved slowly from side to side someone behind me said I'm starting to like this right

Then she placed her body right in front of me
My mouth almost touching her breasts completely
I thought to myself this is too crazy

Someone just pulled up my dress, now I'm in one hot mess,
I feel hands in my hair, people are touching me everywhere,

I am excited, nervous, and scared, I need to get out of here,
that's it, next time I will do myself a favor, and take the stairs instead of a very crowded elevator.