

Why Live BY: Nathan Williams

why do I wanna live life,
when I can just grab a knife,
and say fuck it to everything,
go out like fireworks with the big bang,
telling everyone in my life I'm sorry,
I was a big fucked up, now don't worry
because I'll be dead and gone,
you can just bury me in the back lawn,
or even some place much darker,
don't even think about a grave marker,
cuz there's nothing good about my life to say,
I was a big fuck up that lived life this way,
destroying other lives along the way,
By smoking and shooting dope everyday,
to help me stop or numb all the pain,
although it just built up like a clogged drain,
never no where to escape to,
wishing there was something else I could do,
instead of living this miserable life,
now you see why I want to use a knife,
with me gone the world would be a better place,
not having to hear me or see my face.

© Nathan Williams