

The Oak Tree

My dear Oak tree I can't deny....
You're like the dazzling star in my life's empty sky.
When the tree was planted in my courtyard
I couldn't even expect that it closely attached with my heart.
I'd tried to recover your sweet love that I knew
My old, past childhood memories were incomplete without you.
All the day around you're become an open stage
Where Cuckoos and Baboons by their singing created a splendid image.
It stood tall, strong and proud like a giant
Its tranquility everytime attracted my mind.
You sheltered to many helpless
This was the precious memory that I couldn't erase.
My face was glittering in the sunshine
When I played on a swing made of your vine.
I'd seen life changing colour from moment to moment
But you never changed; you're alike till the end.

I spent my entire childhood beneath the tree
Birds, Butterflies and Crickets would also company me.
In Autumn night and day
The beautiful scene was created when wind stole your leaves away.
You didn't concede defeat to the storm
Rather you became the cozy shelter when the weather was warm.
Birds were chirping in dawn on the branches of the tree
To hail the day and keep mind fresh and free.
When the sun went down
It looked as if it was in red gown .
When wind shaked the branches
I could see the sign of consent in your face.
I believed you had a conceal speaking power
Which often touched my soul in every hour.
The witness of my childhood was the Oak tree
Which is no more; but the seed of it is rooted in the memory of me.
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