

Im On That ass
To get what you've given
don't feel as good
as good as receiving when you're living
taking the selfish route
only carrying about
your own needs
won't mean much
those thoughts
won't envision
wouldn't say if you couldn't
until times up and you're judged
by your own deeds
what you did besides getting your
wants and your needs
when was it indeed
when you would seek to feed
when was it that you aimed to please
He that matter
the Big Hatter
The Most High Big Dadder
couldn't get that high if the fittest
had a big ladder
him still sadder
if he thinking that he can even
eat the platter
no you gets one them sides
and if falls off from His raw hide
you better praise for these better days don't say
pay it forward
keep going that way with the light
let it lead as if the torch
touched evil spirits it would scorch
fall lo to the flo
it leaves here ash
on the same path
just flashed back on that ass