

Life is a journey with twists and turns,
A dance with joy and sorrows that churns,
A tapestry of moments both good and bad,
A mysterious path that we all must tread.

It begins with a cry and ends with a sigh,
In between, we laugh, we love, and we try,
To find our purpose and make our mark,
To leave behind a legacy that leaves a spark.

We face challenges that test our strength,
We encounter people who change our length,
We search for meaning in the mundane,
We strive for happiness again and again.

We make mistakes, we stumble and fall,
We bash our heads against the wall,
But every time we hit rock bottom,
We rise again, stronger and golden.

Life is a journey that's never the same,
A constant adventure, a thrilling game,
It's up to us to make it worth living,
To find our passion and keep on giving.

So let us cherish every moment we've got,
Let us love and cherish what we have sought,
For in the end, it's not what we've done,
But who we have become that counts as one.