

Life is a dice
it is a turn by turn process
50 by 50
Is all it takes

You live or you die
you get rich or you get poor
you are lonely or you are sociable
you are well or you are sick
you have friends or you don't
you are an introvert or an extrovert
you have ego or you don't
you are asleep or awake
you have a job or you don't
you progress or you diminish
you treat others well and they don't treat you well
you treat others well and they don't appreciate your effort
you annoy others and they annoy you
you fight,you love
you hate,you love
life is a dice

Everything is turn by turn
that's the rule of life

You do this or you do that
you have this or you don't
that's the equation of life.
© Graciela