

I am here!
I am here the child said as his teacher wrote the register for his first kindergarten morning,
He smiled that cheery smile,
And slowly lowered his hand,
The smile bloomed through the day as he was glad someone asked him,

I was here the child waved goodbye to the double doors of what was his classroom and left with no one to ask him.
I was here he waved again with a cap a top his head and a valedictorian speech crumpled in a pocket,

I was here he began to write under each desk he ever sat,
I was here was the mantra he kept that no one remembered to ask,
I was here was poison he bgan to believe,
For truly if he never said it he would never remeber no one else did.

He hoped and wrote hoping someone would recognize the footprints he left behind,
That someone would recohnize where he stood.
But it became a trail no one followed till his cakset
Where no one would know him for more than what he was.

- September 7.23
© Aayra owned