

Covid 19. Poem by BIJU.S FROM
Yes it is dreadful pandemic,
Absolutely fearful and threat.
To modernworld in all continent
Where did it come from?

It spreaded every where
It kills millions of people
God has given us this fatal
Pandemic,Why?We think so

Cruelty of the man,on earth
He kills his everybody;
Became selfish and kills,
His father,mother,kins and kith.

Selfish became the slaughter
Of nature and its soul.
Animals,birds and plants
Haunted by him, everywhere.

He cuts plants and trees
Ruined by him, nature perfectly
Pollution of water,air
Is enormous caused by him .

Man destructed the piousness
Of the Society and nation;
Girls in low ages too molestated
And spoiled by this giants.

It is against the law.
Of nature and humanity.
So Almighty gave a gift of
Curse, that's corona or covid

We should learn good lesson
From this fearful pandemic
We should be kind to human
Plants ,trees and animals ever

Yes,covid took rest and sleep
Of men,woman in every where.
With out sleeping,
we ran errands here and there.

So we don't forget our nature,
Surroundings and human being
We must become humane
And affectionate to all,for ever

Nature is god and it is gift
Of human being for long
So we should protect and
Love the beauty of nature.

Yes,Covid teach us lesson
Of affection,right action and
Thought, sanitation and
The existence of almighty.

Summary of the poem
Covid 19 is the poem written by
Mr.BIJUSHEERAPANI from kerala.Covid kills lot of people in our daily life.Actually, it is a lesson to the modern man and Women.Because moderman killsHis mother ,father ,kins and siblings for money and property.He spoiled nature absolutely.Even two or three years girls raped and spoiled by brutal.Brutality of the man Increases daily .Man should be changed.He should be kindful to nature .We must love and protect our animals and siblings.Covid is a punishment by the god for the improvement of man .Worship the nature is Grateful deed of human being.
The man forgot everything.Nature is valuable and precious.Covid teaches us to live on earth with sanitation.