

selfish - concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit

when i sew my anger together,
am i concerned about my own pleasure?

when i keep my worries moonlit for you,
is it a manmade trap i'm falling into?

when i express an emotion,
that is vulnerability that i have handwoven,
for you.
to show you
that "hey i trust you"

but vulnerability.
it is a manmade trap for trust to fall into

no one catches trust,
they leave her be.
and because of them,
trust has detached herself from me.

wait im meant to be talking about anger
oh well, screw "meant to be"
she is an illusion that begs for my plea
and she may very well exist,
but belief in her could be an insult to the scars on my wrist
i'm not entirely sure what that even means
i'm probably somewhat disconnected from little rose-gold dreams.

which is ironic coming from a little girl who loved big white dresses.
eat your apple and plant the seeds until it confesses
the betrayal that the world served to you on a silver plate
so the little girl said "i will no longer give my heart to fate"

maybe eve and her lonesome void did the same.
her story was twisted and mislabelled a checkmate

perhaps my chapters are more crosstitched
however, 'perhaps' is a loose thread
vulnerability is a maze with a dead end

within it the white...