

"Move on", they said,
As if I didn't cry myself to sleep every night,
As if I wasn't just like them, a human being
That frequented her secret spot to hide
For more time than I'd dare to say,
Before going back to faking another smile.

"Move on", they said,
But how could I?
Knowing that the past is still ruminating
Inside my head.
Every day,
Each morning.
It still strikes me like a breeze, so cold.
A daydream so merry,
So distant, yet dazzling,
That I haven't yet plucked up the courage to disregard.

"Move on", they said.
I could try,
But my memories won't stop wandering
About what could I have had
If I hadn't ran away,
If I hadn't just packed my bag
And fled.
Maybe I was acting cowardly,
Maybe that wasn't even what I wanted,
But ended up doing it anyway.

"Move on", they said,
As I didn't want to give my feelings away,
I simply nodded and told them I'd try to keep going.

© bleeding_on_paper