

fall call
my name is Tory,
my father, the creator of his fall,
born to this comic, of tragedy comedy. where we lough with pain we tough.

bold enough we end up with terms to love, above all we starve our souls for the after life we dive, not for waves we shake above.

we're faithful to unknown, cruel, to the weak and incapable, oh mother nature, we launch, arrows before mesiles and now we code.

we are stories, told just to end up in another, we live for others for ours is none, we write and please, we side to please, we never gone near, always out inside.

we bleed to death, indeed
trying avoid death we breath,
we cleanse with depth we tip, to avoid drowning we sip, unto emotions and folly, we pick, those loved ones, to betray when weak, and as I think, this is another try, I shrink, into this raincodes I drip.
(to be continued)

© Raincodes