

I'm sitting in a rocking chair by the window,
Staring at children playing with much joy,
Remembering the old days when I was like them,
Playing nice like I'll never have blonde hair, or
by walking with crutches, time really flies.

I'm sitting in a rocking chair looking upstairs,
Staring at young man who plans to escape,
Remembering the old days when Mr told me to escape
By telling my mom I'm going out with my cousin Trist
So I could spend time with someone who I thought was Mr right.

I'm sitting in a rocking chair facing couples room
Staring at the spouses flirting over and over,
Remembering the old days when I couldn't get enough of him
Every minute the kiss was felt, I thought for more and more,
Feeling inadequate even though i had him for the whole night.

I'm sitting in a rocking chair, now I'm alone
Staring at the sky, where am I going??
Have a little smile when I look back,
Ask myself will I see the sun rise? Or
When a darkness falls....
Blonde hair and wrinkled skin, now old enough

by I⌛️

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