

There are many great people we hail today for the great work they did years back. I sit down to analyse the great work they had done and I feel there was something they lacked. Rich and influential people like Bob Marley, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Alexander the Great and others had a great impact on our lives.
But one way or the other they gave to the grave what they robbed from our lives. They stole from us the generational wealth and died with it. We were advised by Dr. Myles Munroe to die empty even if we're left with bits.

Many of us living today have been robbed by people who have passed on. No wonder the richest place is the cemetery, thus found somewhere on the face of the planet we find ourselves on. What are your last words going to be?

Are you going to be like Leonardo Da Vinci who said, "I have offended both God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have." Or you're going to be like the Apostle Paul who said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness."

I plead for us to be generational thinkers and gives, not generational thieves. Let the next generation smile and benefit from what our generation gives. We shouldn't let the next generation mourn and say, "Our fathers have failed us."

Let us give to the next generation everything the creator has imbedded in us. Let us make the impact we're meant to make in the lives of others. Let us die empty so we wouldn't owe others.
© Inspiration Speakz 😁 ❤ 🌏