

Lying awaits
you think…

where are you at?

“I’m in Dallas”

what are you doing?


with whom?

“It’s Carla”

where are you at?

“Just south of heaven,
coming down”

what time ya got?

“I’ve got no time on my hands”
“I believe time makes confusion”
“Any time you say it”

where are you going?

“Nowhere Fast”

what do you got?

1.) Attitude
2.) My Girl
(Down & on my Level)
3.) I can’t stay and talk I got a date with the Devil.

do you make mistakes?

“Every Motherfucking Day”

“Unlike the Lion in wait, I don’t just take ‘‘em how they come by the wayside. I play for keeps, old friend. Let’s keep it that way, ok?”


© Cody Cleen 2023