

Eternal yearning of iris
Admist the fading iris,
the lilac unfurl in winters embrace
your eyes , once my universe
your radiance evanesces, a fleeting grace
cradling in my arms , as I yearn
to erase the memories etched in my soul

A nymphaea smiled ,
in moments sealed .
when petunia bloom ,
I recall my fingers tenderly
gracing the contours of your face,
both of us entangled in furry
blankets, peering through a window
your head on my shoulders, my heart pulses with
the realisations that ,
this may not be the last time we part ,
you're delighted in witnessing my joy
you mutter .
yet , I find myself yearning
, dreaming that our spirits one day might be eternally parted .

© iz~k

( the first poem ( fading blossoms)was written by my best friend , she told me she want to post it herself , so I deleted the First poem ) here is mine .