

Show me who I am *
Grant me the courage
To change what I know I can change
And the grace
to know somethings are just beyond control.
Choose my battles wisely
please I need to fix everything that has fallen apart
I need to mend my broken heart,
yet I dont know where to start!
or do I accept everything the way it is?
and just move on with my life

Grant me the strength
to make all this pain I feel go away ,
And make the most of every single day,
because we never know when it will be our last!

Always remember to live in the moment and cherish
the time you spent with all the ones you love and hold so very close.
Focus on what your future will bring not what your past has taught you.
Please help with the ones that don't know how to love , love.
and keep the ones that love me and want me to do better with my life , happy and healthy
even if they are no longer in my life.
make sure the other side shows me signs
so that I know that they are still with me.
and always walking beside me.

Please help me to remain wild and free , but calm
even with all the bullshit going on in my life.
and remember that everything that has been happening is meant to happen
and one day you will see what the reason maybe.

Please know that I have some fear , tell me how do I let go ?
resentment continues to grow
my mind and body are sore.
I know there is always light at the end of the night
so I know we will let our darkness go everyday into a new light , with purpose.

I need to prioritise what is important and what is not.
I just want someone to comfort me in my grief.
because it seems its one thing after another ,
I've lost so many loved ones , and one day we will be reunited but until than I am stuck alone facing reality.

i know you are now just a different form of energy.
one that no longer has a hand to hold.
but when I feel I am starting to loose hope and I cant take no more.
please heal me with the things I need to keep moving forward. when I feel weak
you must show me my inner power!
and when I feel lost and confused
remind me why I am here.
and when I feel isolated please keep my mind busy cause my thoughts
they drive me crazy!
I might even loose my confidence but if I do show me who I am.
© Kaii T