

Dear mates,
I appreciate we are sharing this moment in this peculiar way, I am aware not everyone can give me the world.
I do not expect that from anyone, I just have myself and I know how to be happy and succesful by my own. I doubt no one and that's enough.

Now, I can confirm my anger has been increasing and the time came to explode, turning into hate.
I am here not to love again or support them neither.
The reality why I am living and breathing the same air of you is my thirsty feeling of revenge, I stood up for changing myself and destroy what I was protecting at the first place.

This feeling is incredibly rapidly increasing, I realized those were mocking me, leaving a mess inside of me.

Before, I was afraid to love someone, I thought I finally found the real friendship meaning. Nevertheless, I was wrong as ever.
I got disappointed, I've never thought one day my honorable hate would stay up over the surface towards humanity. I always held myself due to my hypersensitivity, over-empathizing with others.

However, today June 18, 1999 woke up upset with the discomfort and disliking everyone, even those I could love so much.

Then, dear delegates at this meeting, I ask you to play a little game of hide and seek, and the last one to be found will keep his life forever.

"The game starts now".

© Annikizz