

The Road of life
The story of life,
Is a work in progress,
Success or strife,
You're allowed to digress.

When you're a child who's barely four,
Standing on tiptoes to grab a little more,
Of those tasty cookies you never tire of,
Unaware of the long road you have to walk.

When you're a girl who's reached fifteen,
With a beauty that's unbounded and a body that's lean,
You learn the concepts of love and soul mate,
Waiting for 'the one' to come to your life one day.

When you become a woman who's passed twenty,
With a heart so kind and a smile that's sexy,
Those moments of blushing deep red and quickening heartbeat,
Make you believe you've found the one you need.

But the story of life is not without its ups and downs,
Heartbreaks are one of its main elements,but the story goes on,
Failure is the road to success,it's said,
Clearly,it's the theme around which this story is set.

Bruised and burdened , when you've lost the desire to live,
Happiness and joy have become words you no longer believe,
There comes a hand that's willing to help you,
To fight your battles, to make them few.

At last, you find 'the one' when you're most alone,
Someone who's a staff so perfect for you to lean on,
You'll always have his shoulder when you cry,
And his hand to lead you in the darkest of nights.
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