

Wisdoms of generations

From the memories,
passed down the generations,
we get numerous insights,
hidden within the proverbs.

The ancients sing the praise,
of divinities that manifests,
in various elements of nature,
even incarnated as us human.

Our world is an illusion,
so, let's look beyond visuals,
diving deeper, asking questions,
finding answers in the meditation.

Incorporating every lesson,
from architectures to relations,
each action had its meaning,
in symbolism, that we decipher.

Our present day, is a blessing...
Yet, we have lost that connection,
bringing miseries, even disasters,
presenting us, with a bleak future.

And, hope is still alive,
changes brought by bright minds,
the ones who chose to listen,
to the voices, of chants & hymns.

For, here lies the wisdom,
sharing knowledge to the mankind,
spreading awareness, changing practices,
instilling profound love, towards our surroundings...

Isn't that's the way to realize...
The secrets of our universe?

© Dr. Manish Rout