

A Silent Enemy
Anxiety, the silent enemy, lurking in shadows deep,
Whispering doubts, while robbing peace and disturbing precious sleep.
It creeps in unnoticed, like a thief in the night,
Feeding on all our worries, causing such a fright.

Its grip is tight, its presence surreal,
And have become a constant companion, very hard to conceal.
It whispers of failure, of all the things going wrong,
Fanning the flames of fear, in panic the body responds.

As it may seem overwhelming, and so daunting to face,
But there's strength in acknowledging, in finding some grace.
For in the battle against anxiety's hold,
Comes resilience and courage, cause over ourselves we still have control.

So shine a light on the shadows, and watch them fade away,
With each breath, with each step, reclaim your day.
For anxiety may be silent, but you're not alone,
In the journey of healing, let your light continuously shone!!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo