

I troubled to see
the beauty of fantabulous life
until I had miraculous reflection of Hamlet.

First I caught the source of light sprinkling magic in accentric night.

Blue moon, Dazzling at the top of the dome
Dynamic symbol of Rome

Endure the pain of the sense of departure.
I tried to be strong marcher

Aptitude of my imaginary dove..
Still visible footprint of my love

Verbal expressions were bound
Tears were dripping through the cheeks on the ground.
Then i dethroned the power of love
Restored selfishness of words
First inclination was to win victory of my war
Yes I Gained obedience of my thoughts
psyche was Surmounting with detrimental statements of my work
inner strength Vanquished the enormous nights.
irrational eyes jeopardized my soul

Neglection,isn't bearable.
Nothing is repairable.