Within her___She was like
Whenever I used to see her,
she was like fire,
fierce and savage,
dancing with flames touched the sky.
she was like wind,
a whisper in trees,
caressing leaves and carrying secrets,
A gentle force that mix the world,
she was like thunder ,
an original roar,
shaking the earth with her presence,
she was like water ,
flowing and free,
quenching thrist and nurturing lives ,
a river that carved its path through time.
she was like the sun,
Radiant and warm ,
painting Golden hue across the Horizon,
a candle of hope In The Darkest Hour....
she was like fire,
fierce and savage,
dancing with flames touched the sky.
she was like wind,
a whisper in trees,
caressing leaves and carrying secrets,
A gentle force that mix the world,
she was like thunder ,
an original roar,
shaking the earth with her presence,
she was like water ,
flowing and free,
quenching thrist and nurturing lives ,
a river that carved its path through time.
she was like the sun,
Radiant and warm ,
painting Golden hue across the Horizon,
a candle of hope In The Darkest Hour....