

I came to realize-
NOTE- I didn't have a picture of him so I found an old picture in one of poems and I made it an AI picture of my ex-boyfriend Antonio Jonathan Lynch- this is a poem about him.

I came to realize that it is time to make sure I stick to my grounds and make it a goal to keep you out of my life forever and forgood. I can’t keep doing it anymore because you truly really don’t know how to stop. I felt like the only way to get you to stop is by giving up and giving in by letting you in, but I came to realize I don’t want you anymore. and I shouldn’t really care about you anymore…I just sometimes feel like I don’t know how to say no to you when you just don’t ever stop. I just give up on it with you I told myself I will never keep making the same mistake by letting you back in someway some how. I’m done for good with you. I don’t want to care anymore I fell out of love with you. You need to do that too. please leave me alone and leave me be I pray that don’t even ever try to come back to me, because it just won’t happen again. I hope your gone away for a long; long time where you belong in jail for all I care. because that’s where you’re at now. Don’t blame me, blame yourself for everything you done it all to you have a fucking nice ass life without me and fuck it all with you fuck you forgot it…I hope you fuck off because you really fucked up until there nothing that can be undone fuck this shit. Good luck with your stupid-ass life. Goodbye from me. Forever-

signing- Alyssa Emily Danford