

What was the look on their faces when they grab her
how did they feel when she screamed in shock
Didn't look of pure fright on her face scare them away
How can inhumane behaviour prevail in the midst of her silent pleas

How loud were her screams when you ripped off her clothes
Did they feel like music to your dark and cruel soul
All her scratch and kicks, in an attempt to save her self didn't help at all
You held her firm by your grip unwilling to stop the fun

Did she whimper when you started kissing her
Her scream of surrender at your first thrust was drown by groans of your pleasure
As tears flow down her chin and soft moans from an unwanted pleasure
You had your way with her on a hard cold tile over and over again

She lost her will to fight after the third guy
He was agile and horny as he watched you and the other guy take your turns
He drove straight into her like a crazed animal
She laid there tired,couldn't even make a sound and soon she fainted

Guy...this girl has fainted was the observation of the fourth guy
Guy just do it like that let's get out of here
Suddenly he felt pity and imagine this act done to his daughter
I can't man she dead, I can't rape a corpse

Of course she was still breathing
This was just his lame attempt at redemption
He wanted to save her from your vengeful lust
And he thought he did till you smashed her head and killed her after one last turn with her.

You are officially the most wanted citizen of the country
Your trending on social media, I hope this fills you with Joy
I got few question for you?
Is this your greatest achievement?

Is she your only victim?
Do you even feel remorseful?
These are all questions without answers
But I know she would want to know just one thing.....