

Shroom Thoughts
The paths i’ve walked in this lifetime
have always led me to stopping points that
were indeed divine
ordained by forces of pure light
nothing feels coincidental,
it’s all done in due time
and all i have to do is experience this ride
i can create this life
show up as who i’d like to be
and let the universe take care of the rest for me
and sometimes she’ll do the opposite
because it’s what’s best for me
i don’t fight her, there’s no questioning
everything is gonna work out just fine,
the way it was destined to be
because i got niggas from side to side
rooting for me beyond what’s visible
to most human eyes
ready for any necessary fight
ready to hold my hand when i’m a lil shy
holding back my power,
they remind me i can’t fly
being a coward
my fine black ass don’t gotta do nun but
eat fruit and make medicine and tea outta flowers
healing the people from funded sicknesses, funding sick twisted businesses
writing poems to reach people who don’t
know what to do
just know that I love you
and you should love you too
and once you lovin you,
go share that shit with a neighbour or two
when you getting bored with your life
get up and go try something new
you never know, you might even meet
your dream boo
and if yo stomach bubbling, you know you
gotta booboo
don’t be inconsiderate to people
go doodoo
© Yazzythealien