

The Nights
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...

In the quietest fragment of the night,
When you see the sky,
Twinkling and shining stars,
Thinking if you can reach the heights,
Hoping the outcome won't turn into grief....

In the night,
Surrounding by serenity and catcall,
Thinking about your goals and life,
Asking a question to yourself,
Am I fly high or Am I take wing to touch the sky ?
With all glory and pride.....

The nights,
With its partner moon and stars,
Give us strength to face the darkness.
They still reminds all that
We can shine even in dark and spread our brightness .....


astrophel_girl_positivevibes 💟

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