

A Dark Place
I thought I had escaped you,
From your coiling tendrils of darkness

But you led me,
Only to drag me backwards

You never truly let go.
You just sat back
In a corner
Never letting me know

And when I had just enough sunlight
To feel a moment of delight;
To recover from the swathes of my memory,
What true happiness felt like

You snatched it away again
To see me writhe,
See me in pain

You expected me to fight
But I was far too spent;
I tumbled straight back down
No struggle, no indent.

I had only my voice
I have only my voice
I said, "I don't want to go with you"
You said, no, I will have to

And so down and down I fall again,
Back to you, my dear dark place
And though I try to grasp and flail
We both know, you always win the race

They wonder why
I find comfort in darkness
It is because
The voids outside
Are warmer
Than the ones inside:

This darkness
Shows me more kindness
Than the one
Inside my own.

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