

What if I raised my anchor?
What if I stopped being everything
for everyone?
What if I let myself drift?
What if I lose hope?
What if my faith was shattered?

Will they drag me back to shore?
Will they be for me who I am to them?
Would they be my guide?
Would they be my encouragement?
Will they help me restore it?

Sometimes I wonder if they see me
The people that I give my all to
I wonder if I am just a means to an end
Until something better comes along
Or until they find their footing

I want to walk away
Find my peace again
But I somehow feel trapped
In a cycle of being the good girl
Of going above and beyond
Of being the positive one
Of being the anchor to everyone

It gets tiring sometimes
I know I don't have to
But I feel like I must
So I'll cry for a while
But I'll wipe my own tears
I'll be sad for a while
But I'll find my joy again
Because if I don't who will?

Who's going to be my anchor?

© Chrys White