

'Started and Ended'
@monowords presents: 'Started and Ended'

The day it begin was the day it finally came to an end,
It wasn't long before I knew something wasn't adding up, whether it was my stubborness or your childishness.

You were the first one I gave my number to, believing it was the right choice.
Only later did I realize it was the biggest mistake I ever made.

The first time you left, it shattered me; the first time you returned, I was filled with joy.
The second time you left, it saddened me; the second time you came back, I felt hope again.
But by the third time you left, I knew we were just something fleeting.
And when you came back, I had already let go of all expectations.

Letting you go was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but looking back, it feels like the best decision I ever made.

Maybe we were never meant for each other, though, I still believe that 'Opposites Attract' but guess we were an exception.

I just hope wherever you stay,
You’re healthy, happy, and doing okay.
Dedicated To The One Who Left

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