

Not All Guys🗣
Not all guys break up because they're bored of you,
Some do, because they don't want to break you,
They understand it's better to let you go than hurt you more,
They care about you but still have to bar the doors,
Don't get them wrong they don't want to hurt,
They've a hidden story that no one knows so please don't count them as a pervert.

Not all guys break up because they're bored of you,
Some do, because they don't want to cheat on you,
They really loved you before,
But now because of some reasons they can't anymore,
They admire you and don't want to put you in a tug of war,
Therefore, they secretly pray for you in spite of you not being with them anymore.

Not all guys break up because they're bored of you,
Some do, because they don't feel resonated with you,
You two haven't spent enough quality time,
Just forget the idea of being together for a lifetime,
In reality, there's a significant lack of mutual understanding and emotional connection,
But they respect you as a human being and don't want to lead you in the wrong direction.

Not all guys break up because they're bored of you,
Some do, because they believe they are not made for you,
They think you two are on different levels not the same,
Physically, mentally and spiritually you both have different aims,
Having differences is completely fine, but incompatibility is not,
They cherish the time they had, but still with you they can't tie the knot.

Not all guys break up because they're bored of you,
Some do, because they truly love you,
They always put you first before themselves,
Their love for you is pure and delves,
They want to set you free so you can fully live your life,
For your better future, they sacrifice everything, including the dream of you being their lovely wife.
© Depender