

Being proud
My son is amazing
more than I can say
I know it's a stereotype
But he is just like me in many ways
He went to the same Catholic school I attended
Ironically we both played Jesus at our school
He was enduring the stations of the cross and such in 8th grade
I was laying there playing Jesus at Christmas just laying there not
doing much but so cool
This production with my son made me beyond proud
It had me thinking back to when I was a baby.
Here's the funny part. I obviously don't remember this event
Since I was probably less than one at the time
But in my mind we were at one during this display
We were both communicating as Jesus on this day
So the adult me is thinking how proud I am of this gentle soul
I'm thinking he would win an award or at least a free pass to heaven
I was told
So in real life I'm watching my son complete this annual story that ends in eventual bliss
What I mean by bliss was how proud and amazed I was with my son
I was mesmerized by the performance
It was so surreal
Suddenly I was the child and he was the Lord who just died for us on the cross
So it ended and the audience clapped and cheered
At that time my son and I hugged
I could see that this endeavor had drained him as the
cast mugged him too
So im trying to say that his performance was real and fresh
My performance as an infant didn't come close
All I remember today is how happy
and amazed I was by my son
You know I just don't love him
I love him a ton.