

● Darkness ●
In the beginning there was nothing except for you.
We met behind my eyelids as I took my first breath.
You always stood by my side, matching every stride.
My opaque guide, I can't help to wonder why
As a child whenever I saw you I would cry?
Because if I knew then what I know now,
I would have seen you as my only true friend.
Because people are like seasons, they come and go from life.
And like a moth to a flame I foolishly chased after their artificial light.
Only to be burned time after time.
My stapled broken heart bleeds black for the love it now lacks.
That all too brief pleasant sensation marked by hesitation.
Because in my weary bones I feel perhaps I'm one of those
Who's destined to be alone 'til the day they rest underneath my headstone.
So when this world revealed its true colors, I chose obsidian
Because in your shadows I'll find eternal comfort in.
As the sun sets, wrap me tightly in you stygian embrace.
Kiss away my failures and regrets, leave behind no trace.
As everything slowly fades to black,
I'll realize there's no sense to fight
Or in wishing the good old days would come back.
For I now give myself completely to the night.

© Obsidian_Asylum