

A mountains resting place
Chilled like a statue
stuck like a tree lied a mountain Unburdened and free
No one to claim it and no one to bother it
it stayed free unwrapped by the clutches of people
In the millenia that passed it hadn't been woke even a bit
Transgressing the passage of time to eventually grow

And slowly upon slowly people started to know
A place to harbour a place to farm a place to settle and unfortunately a place to harm
As it finally awoke from it's slumber
it started to see
And started to feel a unholy hatred of the sheer number
of people that came in like the tide from the sea

Ravaging and taking to get what they want
Over time the mountain had become no more
like savages they were nonchalant
They had eventually left telling tales of the mountain that was no more
as if it was ancient folk lore
© ALEX223