

Mistakes and failures
With every sunset comes a sunrise,

It isn't the end of the world.

Every day has a new surprise,

You have to get your limbs unfurled.

Life is like a game of Jenga,

You stack up blocks piece by piece,

One wrong move can make it all fall,

But it isn't like you're going to decease.

You stack up the blocks again and again,

It's what life is all about,

You fall and get up and keep going,

Just pause when in doubt.

Every human makes mistakes,

That's what makes them humans,

Try, try succeed or don't,

Everyone is still a student.

Nobody or nothing in this world is ever perfect,

Everything has the capability

of getting better,

Be it the smartest and the most successful person,

They also go through stress and pressure.

Life is what it is,

Surely isn't a fairy tale,

Don't wait for a hero to come and save you,

You become your own who succeeds and fails.
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