

I built the pool...
I filled it myself...
My stupid mistakes I couldn't filter out,
The rhythm of the songs couldn't purify my doubts.

How stupid of me...
thinking it all needed to be contained...
and a 20 by 40 feet tiled box was all that it takes.
It wouldn't over flow...No...
so the secrets will never get out.
A watery grave was built without second guessing the doubts.

I took my chances...
ran along the edge...slipped...
Now I'm drowning.
Everything i tried to hide,
Everything i want to forget ,
I'm drowning.
I'm trying to get out,
but it's pulling me in...
pulling me under..." help me! please!"
I'm drowning .

I want to get out...
I'm surrounded by friends...
can't they see? don't they know?...
can't they hear my screams?..." HELP!"
clutched to a straw...yet...
I'm still drowning.

I'm getting numb...
My feelings are empty...
suffocated by what I couldn't let go.
Sunk beneath the surface and everything became still...
I stared back at my reflection...
as it began to cry for me...
"No matter how hard you try...
if you still fight to hide your innocence...
and build that wall up high...
Nobody will ever know that you're drowning."

© aiidisconnected