

The love song
I let myself hear the songs of night,
Yet again.
The last time it happened was when
I heard your name.

I remember how I used to
Steal the glimpse of your face from the dark,
With the light of every car that passed,
I thanked the help of my lucky stars.
Oh boy, had I seen such glimmery eyes before?
A warm soul to be around I had found,
Something you just can't buy at bars.

We talked for hours
About the black and blues.
We had told each other the stories
Of our laughs and our dues.
This was great.
I finally felt my heart was safe.
But little did I know,
It was a dream and I had to wake.

Here I am now,
Sitting in the dark again.
Trying to contemplate the jeopardy,
That love has brought to my fate.
But it was worth a shot.
Or that's what I tell myself.
For, I believe in magic beyond my reach,
And love is sure as hell it can be.