


I was never one to belive our paths are set.
In ones life, we have crossroads to chose from. Trust me I'm a vet.
I've lived many lives and have lots of regrets.
If I could go back in time, perhaps I'd be driving in a corvette.

We are bombarded with choices that lead us in different directions.
Unable to go back and make any corrections.
We come across a million crossroads and it's hard sometimes to make a selection.
When you make a wrong choice, the crossroads get darker, did I mention?

Take everything you've learned and take a chance.
If you are able to, take the time and peak a glance.
Don't be afraid. If someone grabs your hand to dance then dance.
If you are able to, travel and see things like the Effiel Tower in France.

Do and try everything within reason.
Enjoy and celebreate each season.
Living life isn't treason.
Even if ones around you don't except. Don't waste your time pleasing.

Either path you take, we all end up at the same spot.
So avoid the dangerous paths for you might get shot.
Always make decisions based on what you were taught,
For life is one big plot.
There is no waiver or contract. You might die early and rot.
If anyone guarantees a safe passage, they are lying so don't sign on the dot.
When you reach the end, be someone that won't be forgotten or bought.

© venkatjamespersaud