

You stole from us
You came in boats to our humble and peaceful land.
A land filled with so much resources and plentiful sand.
You climbed out of your boats carefully and walked towards us.
You slowly stretched out your hands towards us as a sign of friendship because you didn't want to use force.

You gave us a bible and told us about Christianity but before we could look up and ask questions you had already taken our lands and dignity.
You claim that you were doing us a favor,giving us a gift but yet you stole from us.
You claim that you brought us salvation and we blindly believed you because we gave you everything including our trust.

You say that we should be grateful to you...for what?
For taking that which belonged to us? For enslaving our minds to think that you saved us? I think not.

If I am lying then please answer me this
Why did you take our prized possessions from us when you said salvation was free?
Why didn't you just hand us the bible and share the good news honestly without as much as counting to three?
© Dora24