

Inside My Head I Speak To You
“A part of me is slowly getting use to you not being around. Then, when I look at all the memories we’ve made, I silence down. I think of all the things I never said, the ones I should have spoken about, on how grateful I felt with you being around. You don’t realize how bless you are until that special someone is already gone, but I know now why you pushed me away. You loved me so much, you didn’t want me to remain attached. Well, there’s one thing you should have known, yes we are opposites, but we will always remain attract. Especially from my number one. You knew you were on your way to heaven, only I wasn’t ready for it. I stare at the clock, another quarter past seven. Hope you hear me up there and forgive me for not holding you as tight as I probably should have, the last few months when you needed me most, and I was distracted with other plans. I confess I’m m lonely babe and feel lost without you. I just pray every day that God gives me strength to get use to being without you”.
© Johnny Cigars