Whether you believe me or not it doesn't matter.but I truly honestly only fear a few things. I have the fear of being locked up a long period of time or even life. That's always been in the back of my mind even way before I started doing time also I'm scared of going fast in cars etc. That fear came after being in a few car accidents .lol but now I just realized I now have a new found fear .I'm scared to leave from this safe haven and be exposed to drugs .I fear relapse. So as I analyze these fears as a whole. I believe what I'm really scared of is not getting a chance to live. an opportunity to actually be what I was supposed to be and use my full potential before drugs and misfortune stripped all that away. I'm not afraid of going to prison Forever. I'm just afraid of having my chance of living taken away. The lifestyle I've lived and being in an out of jails and institutions. II always knew that I wasn't meant for this Type of life...but i played the cards I was delt and spent the rest of my life battling addiction and trying to figure out How to use successfully....and I was never as comfortable with it as everyone else around me was in prison etc. I was supposed to be something great I've always known i was destined for greatness. This mind