

Performers not entertainers
Dearly Beloved, whenever God grants us the opportunity to be an extension of his Presence and Power to his people, ensure you do everything possible to ensure you don't misrepresent him!

Don't misrepresent God by installing fear to His children and scaring them in revelations that are your own and not Godly😂😂👌. God will beat you if you joke around.

Stay in his Presence till you're fully saturated with his Glory
A minister is not an entertainer we've been called to transform not to perform or do sarakasi
Preparation goes before manifestation. When you're prepared you won't do or say Irrelevant things.

And yee that God has trusted with souls guide them well my dear one's. Stop joking beloved, God punishes and remember the punishment of a teacher will far much surpass that of the flock. Just like pilate I wash my hands🤞✋
© Ken Thuranira