

Inferiority summary
If others are slow, then why put them to shame,
Spreading hate doesn't really bring fame;
If one puts them down, they are not smart,
They just have inferiority complex, down to their heart.

The feeling of superiority is better than none,
It truly buries the weight of sadness and brings out the fun.
Looking into others on how much they lack,
Bringing up negativities and presenting it as facts.

Its scary isnt it? Of how frequent this can be,
Look around you and realize, everywhere it can be seen;
At school, at work or even at home,
For inferiority there really isnt a safe zone.

Its natural really, to feel that you lack,
But such feelings, when overwhelmed will eventually make you crack;
Looking at others then looking at yourself,
Its probably the worst feeling that you ever truly felt.

Its easier to judge others to enjoy life,
Its easier to cut people's feelings like holding a knife;
Its easier to think your better than the person at your side,
Its easier to look at someone higher, then hastley hide.

Its harder to say sorry, when you beat someone down,
Its harder to smile when your true feelings ask you to frown.
Its harder to be nice when no one does the same,
It makes it harder, since you cannot reciprocate.

Is this truly human nature, surely not?
© -iAmSentimental