

Only One God
I've grown a little older now.
The world's a lot colder now.
The show is over, take a bow.
The job is done. Wipe your brow.

The world has gone crazy...
Praising the golden cow.
Tell Harvey and Kevin Spacey,
that kind of touching is not allowed.
Learn how to play the game...
or just be a residual face in the crowd.
So much for being indivisible.
How can we be proud.

So obnoxious and rowdy.
Irritating and loud.
I just popped in for a beer
and a howdy... hide me from
my mushroom cloud.
Looking at me like I resemble
Troy Gowdy. Encompassed in a
political shroud.
I can't help that I am an anomaly.
Let it be affirmed and avowed.

Somebody help me,
I'm stuck in this crooked jacket.
Been riding the razor blade all
my life, and truthfully,
I'm quite sick of it.
This era is like a horror flick
with zombies, demons and clowns.
Beware of this global attack on men,
in this age of sin in an evening gown.
I feel like James Brown and now
it's time for my revenge.
Everybody gather round, we got
some people to avenge.

I'm Seeing Red as the people
smokin blues.
Can't keep the people fed, but
we can damn sure start a war with you.
It used to be the few, the strong...
it seems we take them all these days.
How can we defend what's right when
our nations turning gay.
My freedom of speech doesn't end
at your feelings.
What they are teaching you...
has got my head reeling.
What do we own, when our debt's
hit the ceiling.
Give them all a smart phone.
Nevermind what they're stealing.

I'm trying to reveal them...
as the masses look away.
Go ahead and kneel to the
false gods of today.
Maybe it's a crucifix, Baal
or Baphomet.
The goddess of the underworld,
Gifted to the U.S.A.

There's only One God unto
whom I pray.
The Creator of All...
My God is Yahweh.

I've grown away from people now.
Nothing here to keep me now.
I'm christening my Christian prow.
The battles won. Time to say Ciao'.

We'll all be pushing daisies,
In death we do endow.
It's a ghostly disaster,
ask Casey...
my brother from Mindanao.
Too many people are going insane,
become unstable and breaking the vow.
Narcissism is so hypocritical.
Leaving their own field unplowed.

So noxious and toxic
Facilitating decay.
Tell Jay Z. And Beyonce,
to make those demons go away.
What these people do for fame,
Makes witchcraft look like Childs Play.
What's now profane, will not sustain
the life that dies a little each day.

Can anybody hear me?
I'm stuck in a closed casket.
Was trying to raise the dead,
bring back to life the part of me
that gave a shit.
This wall consists of lies and frauds
that must come tumbling down.
Let's be fair, lives were the cost
in this war on our cities and towns.
I've got a friend named Barbara
Brown, who ain't part of this fringe.
It's so hard to make them...
when most folks make me cringe.

I'm Seeing Red as the people
smokin blues.
All these walking dead in Chinese
slavery made shoes.
Another flu, coming to you...
It's just another phase.
Get a clue, this ain't nothing
Start the latest craze.
My personal freedom don't stop at my
I will not succumb to oppressors of
I don't owe the world nothing,
yet I give so much of who I am.
I'll continue crushing anything
that stands against my fam.

I know who will slaughter them
as sheeple look away.
As they kneel to the appeal
of gods that have no say.
Maybe it's a crucifix, Baal
or Baphomet.
A stutue of Persophone...
Gifted to the U.S.A.

There's only One God unto
whom I pray.
The Creator of All...
My God is Yahweh.

There's Only One God.

Written by: Michael W. Taylor
June 20th. 2024 ©
© Michael W. Taylor

[Just finished creating the music for this.
Look for it on YouTube! ✌️😁]